We need you to go the distance.
A Matter of 50 Meters has partnered with the City of Mason to help meet a private funding goal of $5 million. Our capital campaign offers many opportunities for individual, group, and corporate participation.
Your support will have an immediate impact in development of the new Mason Municipal Aquatic Center!

Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated.
For Credit Card donations, up to $60,000, please complete the form below.
If you would like to contribute using a Check, or donate more than $60,000, please download, complete, and mail: Printable Donation Form
If you would like to make a donation in the form of Matching Gifts or Securities, please contact us at:
All proceeds go expressly to the A Matter of 50 Meters, Mason Municipal Aquatic Center Campaign Fund.
Mason Parks & Recreation Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are eligible as a charitable deduction. Tax ID #20-5962880